Originally Posted In A META Group For Dance Studio Owners And Teachers
Complaints Are The Same As Comps Begin For the 2025 Spring Events
What is ONE thing you would change about competitions and how would your changes improve comps for all? Listed are the responses, I did shut the commenting off. For those who are unaware many of these responses are addressed by the AMERICAN SPORT DANCE GAMES®. Remember these complaints as you move forward with your competition journey this season. There is an ALTERNATIVE.
After listening to the same complaints and new ones created by competition vendors who tried to plagiarize what Jann designed (levels) she posted the question on the DSOA board.
deposit pricing...too high in August
Levels that make sense. A level for kids who take 5 hours + a week lumps dancers who take 2 classes a week and team work out in the same level as preprofessional kids who train for hours nearly every day of the week. Our rec kids were up against a pre-professional training facility. They were amazing, but our kids really felt that was unfair.
Gold, silver, bronze, and a participation medal for everyone else.
Clear across the board judging and level requirements. This is not on the judges, but on the competitions for not creating more structure around the judging. They are leaving too much up to the judges.
Less solos. Competitions put so much emphasis on the solos… But in real life, there are way less primas in life- there are corps and companies abounding!
While I get charging a deposit, the cost of them and when they are due is just difficult to pay to hold our spots in the middle of summer when the cash flow is much lower. I just cross my fingers I don’t miss out on a comp on our list because i don’t have the cash flow to pay the deposit.
Well-rounded judges that have a background and/or knowledge of all styles. These dancers are paying quite a bit of money to receive this feedback and when it lacks substance it is very frustrating.
The price! Entry fees and deposits pricing
Expand the scoring system. As a judge we are often told to judge between 90-98. When you are judging 500-800 routines a weekend, the scores are too tight.
No levels! Fair playing ground. And I believe studios will be forced to train in quality then. Kids will learn much more valuable life lessons. And it doesn’t make sense to have a kid dance one hour a week and low skill development get “1st” (novice) then have a kid that trains 12 hours a week and it shows, leave with nothing bc they were advanced. Sure leaving with nothing if there were 10 people there better than you and they got top 10!! Absolutely! But the way it is now It doesn’t make sense. It encourages dancers to not put in the hours of work and stay leveled down to continue “winning” but not actually getting better. No levels!!! Then we all work harder!!! The bar is raised!!! And we are ALL BETTER FOR IT!
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Ms. Davis is available for 2025 to present IN PERSON seminars along the East Coast of the USA. Please use out CONTACT FORM to book your in person event.
©Jann Davis, August 27, 2024, All Rights Reserved
©Jann Davis, Reposted January 21, 2025, All Rights Reserved
Jann Davis is a global leader and social media influencer in studio dance education, with a focus on the Dance Classroom®. Jann's extensive influence in the dance realm includes trailblazing in competitions, creating the first adjudicated scoring system, and innovating a new format for dance student achievement events. Inspired by youth and public education sports, this format employs a rubric-based scoring system for objective assessment of dance routines. Jann's overarching goal is to support dance educators by providing tools for benchmarks, lesson plans, assessments, curricula, and effective classroom management techniques.
Jann's model AMERICAN SPORT DANCE GAMES®, offers an alternative to the dance competition circuit which she helped to pioneer in 1976. She believes that within three years this format, available only to members of AADI, will revolutionize dance studios by allowing dance educators a voice in the presentation of how they educate dancers in the 21st century.
Ms. Davis presents professional development seminars to dance educators throughout the USA who are searching for a new model, a 21st century approach to dance education at conventions and at private in-house workshops. Please use our CONTACT FORM for further information to book Jann, she is also available to consult virtually.