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Can't We Do A Better Job Ourselves?

Dance Teacher Survey On Facebook OPINION

I posted on a Facebook dance teacher board two questions. This is the first:

In ONE sentence, what is your BIGGEST complaint about studio dance competitions that you have experienced this season? Listed below are the top responses. Let’s work actively together to improve the state of our studios and keep those pennies in our pockets…



  1. Announcing dates are filled in September

  2. Comps starting on a Thursday ending late on Sunday

  3. Define what leveling is one system across all brands or ONE brand ONLY using a system correctly

  4. Ending awards at a late hour and having to be there early the next morning

  5. Larger studios bringing all their entries to smaller comps for trophy wins

  6. Level cheaters, studios not placing students in correct levels

  7. Overbooking on dates and not announced until 10 days before event starts

  8. Poor adjudication feedback, parents and students deserve better critiquing

  9. Post COVID price increases

  10. Respect for time meaning respect the time teacher, students and parents put into attending and then a poor result for what they have accomplished

  11. Return to a medaling format or awards not metal pins nor plastic pins, better award types

  12. Short season means it has become a money grab for many events

  13. Special section for teachers to get away from parents with beverages, sweets, etc.

  14. Students with too many solos

  15. Too many TRICKS in routines

  16. Too much of a lack of care and respect towards attendees for their health and well-being

You can continue to attend competitions owned by others or you can change your future financial success. Remember the definition of insanity attributed to Albert Einstein is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.


Jann created a new model for student achievement she called Sport Dance Games® which

is OWNED by the members of AADI/American Association of Dance Instructors® via an educational site license available only to our members. Events can be held throughout the dance season with the promise of a new model of adjudication and instruction for the future. Events are to be held in the second and fourth terms of our 44-Week Plan Dance Studio Success Plan. Visit the link below to schedule a Spring-Summer Bootcamp in your area.

Attend/Sponsor A 6-hour 44-Week Dance Studio Success Plan BootCamp, Information below

Join AADI Membership And Benefits Here

Thanks For Visiting And Please Share Us With Others

©Jann Davis, March 29, 2024, All Rights Reserved

Jann Davis is a global leader and social media influencer in studio dance education, with a focus on the Dance Classroom®. Jann's extensive influence in the dance realm includes trailblazing in competitions, creating the first adjudicated scoring system, and innovating a new format for dance student achievement events. Inspired by youth and public education sports, this format employs a rubric-based scoring system for objective assessment of dance routines. Jann's overarching goal is to support dance educators by providing tools for benchmarks, lesson plans, assessments, curricula, and effective classroom management techniques.

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